Assistant Professor
Address: Universiteto 5, LT-01513 Vilnius
Telephone: (8 5) 268 7264
Fields of research
- Pragmatics
- Cognitive linguistics
- Discourse analysis
- Conflictology
- Contemporary drama
Courses taught
- English Lexis;
- 20th-21st British Drama through the ‘Pragmatic‘ Looking - Glass
Scientific publications
- Киреева, Е. 2015. О некоторых тактиках конфликтной коммуникации, VERBUM, volume 6, Vilnius university Institute of Foreign Languages.
- Kirejeva, J. 2016. Quarrel: on Some Characteristics of the Speech Genre, Beyond Philology, Nr. 13, Gdansk.
- Киреева, Е. 2020. О конститутивных признаках жанра ссоры (на материале пьесы А. Житковского «Посадить дерево»). Язык и культура, № 23, Кутаиси, c. 127-134.
- Kirejeva, J. 2022. The Conceptualization of Negative Emotions in Modern English and Russian Drama. Language and Culture, № 27, Kutaisi, pp. 85-89
- “The quarrel speech genre: constitutive characteristics (on the materials of the contemporary British and Russian Drama)” was defended on the 15th of April, 2021
Participation in scientific conferences
- 16.06-18.06.2021, Budapest (Hungary) – Negative Emotions in Conflicts, the Third Cultural Linguistics International Conference (CLIC-2021).
- 10.23-10.25.2021, Vilnius (Lithuania) – The Use of Taboo Language in Quarrels: the difference between Men and Women: a Cross-cultural Perspective, the 8th International Scientific Conference Linguistic, Educational, and Intercultural Research 2021 (LEIC Research 2021).
- 23.05-25.05.2022, Seville (Spain) – COVID-19 Pandemic as a Favourable Setting for Aggression to Appear: the Case of Lithuania, the 10th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics (EPICS X).
- 21.06-23.06.2022, Brisbane (Australia) – Flying in the Government’s Face: the Case of Great Britain and Lithuania, 9th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication (INPRA 9).
- 07.07.-09.07.2022, Braga (Portugal) – Facing down Vladimir Putin: the case of Lithuania, International Conference on Hate Speech.
Memberhip in Associations
- A member of the LEIC Research 2021 scientific committee