
Department of Slavic Studies


Universiteto g. 5, LT-01513 Vilnius. Tel. (0 5) 268 7224

Head of the Department – Assoc. Prof. Dr Pavel Lavrinec  

Administrator – Marina Ličinskaja


Lately, the scientists and lecturers of the department have been developing a certain trend of scientific research – research of literature and cultures of Russian and other Slav languages. It is done by bright personalities with an exclusive type of science and teaching: professor Eleonora Lassan (pioneer of cognitive linguistics and political rhetoric in Lithuania); professor Galina Michailova (the most famous specialist of A. Akchmatova in Lithuania, author of the monograph about this poetess, co-author of two textbooks, expert in the literature of the XX century and modern literature); professor Ala Lichachiova (specialist of Russian phonetics, researcher of the language sociology, psycholinguistics and communicative language aspects who issued a monograph about the Russian phonetics); docent Pavel Lavrinec (to say figuratively – „person-orchestra“ who issued over 100 scientific publications, reads papers in some Lithuanian and foreign scientific conferences every year and knows the peripeteias of Russian culture in Lithuania very well, science populariser in mass media); docent Elena Brazauskienė (specialist of methodology, co-author of lots of school textbooks and creator of their conception, co-author of a Russian textbook for higher schools, well-known European methodologist who won the honourable third prize in the European contest of Russian textbooks; prepared four series of textbooks for secondary schools together with co-authors: Russian as a native language ‒ forms 5–10, Russian as a native language – forms 1–4, Russian as a foreign language for Lithuanian schools); docent Dagnė Beržaitė (specialist of the works by F. Dostoyevsky, gives lectures in English to foreign students);; docent Inga Vidugirytė (wrote the monograph about the relations of poet Konstantin Balmont with Lithuania, gives lectures about the works by Nikolai Gogol, wrote a teaching study about the “Culture of laughter”, analyzes a new field of philology – literary geography); docent Jelena Konickaja (specialist of phraseology of Russian and other Slav languages, expert in the Slovenian language); lecturer Anastasija Belovodskaja (applies modern methodologies for teaching practical things of the language and cognitive linguistics); lecturer Regina Čičinskaitė (analyzes the aspects of literature and philosophy, literary methodology and rhetoric, teaches the disciplines of language and literature, translation; wrote a textbook of the analysis and interpretation of Russian literature in the XX century together with professor G. Michailova); assistants Nina Senchenko, Tatjana Londareva, Tatjana Ktitorova, Valentina Stankevičiūtė, Svetlana Markova (teach Russian to future specialists Russists and foreigners).


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