The Authors of the interdisciplinary monograph "Diasporas of Lithuanian Descent in the East and Their Identity: The Cases of Trans-Volga Russia and Kazakhstan" are Loreta Vilkienė, Vytis Čiubrinskas, Jolanta Kuznecovienė, Irena Šutinienė.
The monograph was prepared within the framework of the project "Forced Migrations from the Lithuanian Diaspora in the East and their Identity: the Cases of Trans-Volga and Kazakhstan" (No. S-LIP-20-12), supported by the Lithuanian Research Council, 2020-2022. The monograph examines two cases of forced migration of Lithuanians in the second half of the 19th and the middle of the 20th century. The first is to the Russian Trans-Volga region, and the second – is to Kazakhstan. Both cases have a common feature - preserving and transmitting their Lithuanian ethno-cultural identity through generations. In this monograph, the target cases have been analysed and described through collective memory, local inculturation and socialisation processes, community activities in a multicultural environment, linguistic self-awareness, and language practice. The monograph also discusses patterns of ethnic identity construction from three perspectives: social anthropology, sociology and sociolinguistics.