Assoc prof dr
Address: Universiteto 5, LT-01513 Vilnius
Phone: +370 5 268 7224
Office hours: contact by email
Research interests:
- Romanticism
- Culture of Laughter
- Geography and Cartography of literature
- Vilnius Literature
Courses taught:
- Laughter and Literature (MA)
- Literary Geography (MA)
- Russian Baroque (MA)
- Nikolai Gogol and Russian Romanticism (MA)
- Russian Poetry (BA)
- Russian Drama (BA)
- Geography of Russian Literature (BA)
- Russian imperial culture (BA)
- Culture of Laughter (BUS)
- Geographic Imagination. Gogol, Vilnius: Vilnius University, 2015, 296 p. (in Russian)
- The Culture of Laughter, Vilnius: Vilnius University Press, 2012, 200 p, (in Lithuanian)
- Lithuania of Balmont, Kaunas: Santara, 2005, 156 p. (in Lithuanian)
- Гетеротопия пейзажа: картографический импульс в творчестве Н. В. Гоголя [Heterotopia of Landscape: the Cartographic Impulse in the creative work of Nikolai Gogol], Literatūra 57 (5). Гетеротопии: миры, границы, повествование, 2015, 111–125.
- Гетеротопии: миры, границы, повествование [Heterotopias: worlds, borders, narratives] , Literatūra 57 (5). Гетеротопии: миры, границы, повествование, 2015, 11–18.
- Вильнюс: текст города и город текста [Vilnius: the text of the city and the city of a text], ACTA Universitatis Tallinnensis: Семиотика города. Материалы Третьих Лотмановских дней в Таллинском университете (3 – 5 июня 2011 г.), Таллин, 2014, 100–117.
- Romantički putnik na pozadini svog vremena: o nekim aspektima nomadizma kod N. V. Gogolja [The Romantic wonder: on some aspects of the nomadism of Nikolai Gogol], Nomadizam, Zagreb: Disput, 2014, 445–456.
- Vilnius: mapping literature - reading city text, Geocritique: Etat des lieux / Geocriticism: A Survay, Limoge: PULIM, 2014, 252 – 258.
- Петербургский текст русской литературы и Вильнюсский текст литовской литературы: еще раз об аналитическом потенциале концепции В. Н. Топорова [The Petersburg text of Russian literature and the Vilnius text of Lithuanian literature: once again on the analytical vista of Vladimir Toporov's koncept]. Mokslo darbai: Literatūra, 2013, nr. 55 (2): Rusistica Vilnensis, c. 7–16. ISSN 0258-0802 (pdf)
- Novel and Satire: Discrepancies between Theory and Practice in Milan Kundera’s Work, Grotesque revisited: Grotesque and Satire in the Post/Modern Literature of Central and Easten Europe, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, 137–148.
- Požiūris į Rusiją Czesławo Miłoszo – „paskutinio LDK piliečio“ – eseistikoje [Attitude to Russia in essais by Czesław Miłosz - the last citizen of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania] , Czesławo Miłoszo kūryba: modernioji LDK tradicijos tąsa, Vilnius: LLTI, 2012, p. 190 – 232.
- «Вильна» Константина Бальмонта: русский голос в вильнюсском тексте литовской культуры [“Vilna“ of Konstantin Balmont: the Russian voice in the text of Vilnius of Lithuanian culture]. Mokslo darbai: Literatūra, 2011, nr. 53 (2): Rusistica Vilnensis, c. 17–25. ISSN 0258-0802.
- Гоголь и современная ему география: об одном пейзаже в «Вечерах на хуторе близ Диканьки» [Gogol and Geography of his time: on the one landscape from the book Evenings in the Farm near Dikanka]. In Двести лет Гоголя: сборник научных работ, под редакцией Василия Щукина, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2011, с. 93–103.
- Об одном источнике гоголевской зрелищности: пейзаж Брейгеля во втором томе «Мертвых душ» [On the sources of Gogol’s visuality: the landscape of Bruegel in the second volume of the Dead Souls]. Mokslo darbai: Literatūra, 2010, nr. 52 (2): Rusistica Vilnensis, с. 20–33. ISSN 0258-0802.
- Инга Видугирите, «Гоголь в роли Гоголя: стратегии мемуарного письма», Гоголевский сборник, вып. 3 (5), Санкт-Петербург - Самара: ПГСГА, 2009, 295–306.
- «Складка» смерти в повести Н.В. Гоголя «Тарас Бульба» (к проблеме Гоголевского барокко). In In Memoriam: Иосиф Васильевич Трофимов. Sast. A. Lisovs, A. Ņeminuščijs, red. kol. V. Baranovska ... [et al.]. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds "Saule", 2009, с. 50–57. ISBN 978-9984-14-417-7.
- Корчма в Великом Княжестве Литовским [Pub in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania]. Almanac of the Institute of comparative studies, vol. 14, iss. 14: Pub in the European culture space, Daugavpils, 2009, с. 45–58.
- Чтение как контроль над собственным произведением: Гоголь – чтец. In Opus # 4–5: Нобелевская лекция. Чтение. Сб. статей = Nobelio premija. Skaitymas. Сост. Г. Михайлова, П. Лавринец, Н. Боткина. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2009 (Literatūra, nr. 51 (5)), с. 141–151. ISSN 0258-0802.
- «Великая и поразительная область географии»: об источниках географических идей Н. В. Гоголя [‘The great and wonderful field of Geography‘: sources geographical ideas of Gogol]. Mokslo darbai: Literatūra, 2009, nr. 51 (2): Rusistica Vilnensis, c. 7–21. ISSN 0258-0802.
- Гоголь в роли Гоголя: стратегии мемуарного письма [Gogol in the role of Gogol: strategies оf memoir writing]. Гоголевский сборник, вып. 3 (5), Санкт-Петербург - Самара: ПГСГА, 2009, 295–306.
- Н. В. Гоголь и культура Великого Княжества Литовского: к проблеме гоголевского барокко [Nikolai Gogol and culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania]. Литературна компаративiстика, вип. 3, ч. 1, Киïв: Стилос, 2008, с. 203–217.
- Складка пейзажа: к проблеме барокко в творчестве Н. В. Гоголя [The Fold of the landscape: on the Baroque in Nikolai Gogol's creative work]. Mokslo darbai: Literatūra, 2008, nr. 50 (2): Rusistica Vilnensis, 18–30. ISSN 0258-0802.
- Поэтическая функция "языка тела" (случай Н.В. Гоголя) [The poetic function of "body language" (the case of Nikolai Gogol)], Филологические чтения: 2007, Daugavpils: Saule, 2008, p. 51–61.
- Пространство храма в Размышлениях о Божественной Литургии Н. В. Гоголя [The Space of a Tample in "Meditations on the Divine Liturgy" by Nikolai Gogol], Almanac of the Institute of comparative studies. vol 13, iss. 13: Templis Eiropas kultūrā, Daugavpils: Saule, 2007, p. 31–41.
- Украинский Гоголь [Ukrainian Gogol], Literatūra, 48 (2), 2006, p. 56–65.
- Католический и православный храм в текстах Н. В. Гоголя (образ и феномен) [Catholic and Orthodox temple in the work of Nikolai Gogol (image and phenomenon)], Dziedzictwo Chrześcijańskiego Wschodu i Zachodu: Między pamięcią a oczekiwaniem, Częstochowa, 2006, 291–300.
- Театральный код в Размышлениях о Божественной Литургии Н. В. Гоголя [The code of a theatre in the "Meditations on the Divine Liturgy" by Nikolai Gogol], Гоголевский сборник 2 (4), Санкт-Петербург; Самара, 2005, 169–180.
On the Cartography of Vilnius literature with Raminta Jonikaitė (Literatūros akiračiai)
PhD dissertation
Vilnius University. Cultural Dialogue: Lithuania in the Creative Work of Konstantin Balmont. 1995. Doctor of Humanities (PhD)
Research projects
- 2010-2011. “The Creative Work of Czesław Miłosz: the modern development of the tradition of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania”, Council of the Science of Lithuania Republic, a research fellow.
- 2011- 2015. “Geography of Literature: textual territories and imaginative maps”, VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-V Support to Research of Scientists and Other Researchers (Global Grant), the leader.
- Charles University in Prague (1 month) 1997
- Plzen, West Bohemia University (1 month) 1999
- Oxford University, Christ Church College (1 month) 1999
Oral presentations
- International Conference „Readings of Nikolai Gogol“, Moskow. 2008 04 01-04. Title: "Gogol in the role of Gogol".
- International Conference „Time of Gogol“, Krakow (Poland). 2009 04 18-24. Title: "The time of Creation and the landscape in the work of Nikolai Gogol".
- Vth Conference of the International Association of Literary Semantics (IALS) „The Semantics of Landscapes“, Genoa. 2010 07 25-28. Title: The Landscape of Nikolai Gogol: Cartography and Painting in Literature.
- International Conference „Readings of Nikolai Gogol“, The memorial museum „House of Gogol“, Moscow. 2011 04 01-03. Title: “Childhood paradise” and the geographic imagination of a writer: Nikolai Gogol and Czesław Miłosz.
- International Conference „Juri Lotman Days at Tallinn University III: Urban Semiotics. City as a Cultural-Historical Phenomenon” (Tallinn University, Estonia). 2011 06 03-05. Title: The text of Vilnius of Lithuanian Culture.
- International Scientific Conference „Places and time of Czesław Miłosz“, Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, Vilnius University. 2011 06 27-28. Title: Czesław Miłosz and the Idea of Central Europe.
- International scientific conference “Satire and grotiesque in post/modern literature of East Central Europe”, Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, Vilnius. 2011 11 24-25. Title: Satire and Laughter: Experiments of Milan Kundera.
- International conference „Nomadism“, Zagreb University. 2012 04 26-05 02. Title: Voyages in dreams and reality: from geographic maps to visions of Bruegel.
- ASEEES 44th Convention, New Orleans, USA. 2012 11 15-18. Title: “Lithuanian Vilnius”: between visual narratives and literary space.
- International Scientific Conference "Vilnius::Heterotopias", Vilniaus University. 2013 09 19–21. Title: "'Other spaces' and 'other theories' on the literary map of Vilnius".
- World Conference Esri. Vilnius, 2013 10 17–18. Title: "Cartography of Literature".
- Лотмановский семинар = Rahvusvaheline Juri Lotmani seminar. Tartu University. 2014 02 28 – 03 02. Title: "Geographic imagination. Gogol"
- International Conference „Juri Lotman Days at Tallinn University V: Semiotics of Power” (Tallinn University, Estonia). 2015 06 03-05. Title: Space and power: on the geographic landscape in the work of Nikolai Gogol.
Academic activities
- Member of the Commitee of the MA Study Programme of the Rusistics, Vilnius University
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International scientific conference “Satyra ir groteskas post/modernioje Vidurio ir Rytų Europos literatūroje” (Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, Vilnius, 2011 11 24-25)
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International scientific conference “Vilnius::Heterotopias” (Vilnius University, 2013 09 19-21)
- Official opponent of the Dissertation (Natalja Botkina, „Epistolinio pasakojimo struktūros ypatumai: Marinos Cvetajevos laiškai“) (2011 04 19)
- Member of the Dissertation Philology Committee of Vilnius University (Taisija Laukkonėn, Doctoral Dissertation “(Po)sovietinė rusų poezija Lietuvoje: literatūrinio elgesio strategijos” (2012 10 26)
Courses taught
- Laughter and Literature (MA, in Lithuanian)
- Literary Geography: on contemporary research of space (MA, in Lithuanian)
- Russian Baroque (MA, in Russian)
- Nikolai Gogol and Russian Romanticism (MA, in Russian)
- Russian Poetry (BA, in Russian)
- Russian Drama (BA, in Russian)
- Geography of Russian Literature (BA, in Russian)
- Russian imperial culture (BA, in Russian)
- Culture of Laughter (BUS, in Lithuanian)