

A.J. Greimas Centre for Semiotics and the Theory of Literature

 Fields of researchContacts
Prof. Dr Irina Melnikova
(head of the centre)
Semiotics of Charles S. Peirce
Theory and practice of intertextuality and intermediality
Adaptation studies (literary fiction to screen)
Narrative in literature, painting and film
City in literature and film
Prof. Dr Paulius Subačius Textual scholarship
Theory of the text
Theory of literature
Digital humanities
Lithuanian literature
Church history
History of nationalism
Prof. Dr (HP) Arūnas Sverdiolas, emeritus Philosophy of culture
Phenomenological and hermeneutic philosophy
History of Lithuanian philosophy
History of hermeneutics
Contemporary theory of culture
Assoc. Prof. Dr Paulius Jevsejevas Animal visuality
Enunciation in poetry
General theory of semiotics
Literary theory and criticism
Methods for a semiotics of space
Assoc. Prof. Dr Jurgita Katkuvienė Semiotics
Theories of Meaning
Corporeality in the humanities
Lithuanian Poetry of 20th and 21st Centuries
Assoc. Prof. Dr Nijolė Keršytė Narratology
Theory of cinema
Modern rhetoric
Modern French Philosophy
Theory and critics of ideology
Assoc. Prof. Dr Jūratė Levina Phenomenology and hermeneutics of literature
Phenomenological and hermeneutic methodology of humanities
Modernism in anglophone literature, especially T. S. Eliot and James Joyce
Assoc. Prof. Dr Loreta Mačianskaitė literature of 20th and 21st centuries
Cultural Models Dynamics
PhD student Augustas Sireikis    
PhD student Izabelė Skikaitė    
Aušra Kundrotaitė    
Dovilė Gervytė    
Augustė Žičkytė    



Department of Lithuanian Literature

 Fields of researchContacts
Prof. Dr Habil. Viktorija Daujotytė-Pakerienėemerita Lithuanian literature
Prof. Dr Mindaugas Kvietkauskas Lithuanian literary modernism
Multilingual literature of Lithuania
Comparative studies of Lithuanian and East Central European modernism
Jewish studies
Urban cultural studies
Prof. Dr (HP) Dainora Pociūtė-Abukevičienė Literature of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Reformation and Counter-Reformation history
Lithuania-Italy in the 16-17th Centuries
Early Modern Intellectual History
Prof. Dr Brigita Speičytė
(head of the department)
Lithuanian literature of the 19th century
Multilingual Lithuanian literature
Anthropology of literature
Assoc. Prof. Dr Dalia Čiočytė Modelling of classical Lithuanian literature
Christian contexts of literature
Teology of literature, Philosophy of literature
Literary theory
Assoc. Prof. Dr Rimantas Kmita Lithuanian literature of the Soviet era
Sociology of literature
Creative Writing
Assoc. Prof. Dr Darius Kuolys Literature of the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania
History of Lithuanian literature
Cultural history
Intellectual history
History of conciousness
Assoc. Prof. Dr Audinga Peluritytė-Tikuišienė Lithuanian literature and contexts of 20th and 21st centuries
Modern literature of Central and Eastern Europe
Comparative studies and intermediate literature studies
Theories of modern and postmodern art
Dr Neringa Klišienė Modern and contemporary Lithuanian and foreign drama
Drama Theory
20th century modern and contemporary Lithuanian literature
Dr Laura Laurušaitė Latvian Literature
Comparative Literature
Dr Saulė Matulevičienė Folkloristics (folklore, mythology, history and methodology of folklore)
Baltic Studies
Methodology of literary studies
Documentary literature
Dr Jurgita Žana Raškevičiūtė 20th-century Lithuanian literature and literature of the Soviet Period
The sociology of literature
Contemporary literature
Textual scholarship
Children’s literature 
Dr Eleonora Terleckienė Literature and Culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Sightseeing and Pilgrimage Literature
History of Lithuanian Literature
Agnė Ambrazaitė    
Ieva Kristinaitytė    
Aleksandra Strelcova    
Gintarė Petuchovaitė-Majauskė    



Department of Translation Studies

 Fields of researchContacts
Prof. Dr Nijolė Burkšaitienė Foreign language (English for Specific Purposes) research Competencies development in translation studies
University didactics (teaching, learning and assessment in HE)
Innovative study methods in HE
Paradigmatic changes in adult teaching and learning 
Prof. Dr Jonė Grigaliūnienė Corpus Linguistics
Corpus Translation Studies
Learner Language Research 
Philosophy of Language
Political Discourse
Prof. Dr Nijolė Maskaliūnienė
(head of the department)
Theoretical and practical aspects of translation studies
Ideological aspects of translation
Translation in the Diaspora
Terminology and terminography
Assoc. Prof. Dr Liucija Černiuvienė Theory and history of translation
Methodology of translation
Strategies of translation
Analysis of translations
Assoc. Prof. Dr Dalia Mankauskienė Interpreting
Translation as an interlingual and intercultural communication activity
Translation project management
Computer-assisted translation technologies
Assoc. Prof. Dr Dainora Maumevičienė Localisation-Lithuanisation of Software
Use of machine translation in software localisation
Translation history research
Didactics and pedagogy in Translation Studies
Dr Artūras Ratkus Historical linguistics
Morphology, morphosyntax
Germanic linguistics
History of the English language
Translation theory and practice
Dr Rimas Užgiris Translation of Poetry
Translation of Modern Lithuanian Literature (into English)
Post-colonial Literature (USA and Lithuania)
Dr. Deimantė Veličkienė Literary translation
Poetry translation
The problem of equivalence in translation
William Shakespeare translations
PhD student Žygimantas Pekūnas    
Alina Dailidėnaitė Theory and practice of synchronic and consecutive interpretation (English)
Rasa Darbutaitė Theory and practice of synchronic and consecutive interpretation (German)
Practical Rhetoric
Diana Guogienė Methodology of written translation
Nijolė Pivorienė    
Neringa Terleckaitė  
Daina Valentinavičienė Theoretical and practical aspects of translation
Agnė Zolubienė Literary translation



Centre for Studies in Comparative Literature

 Fields of researchContacts
Assoc. Prof. Dr Aistė Kučinskienė History of Lithuanian literature
History of Spanish literature
Theory and practice of translation
Assoc. Prof. Dr Dovilė Kuzminskaitė
(head of the centre)
Latin American literature of 20th and 21st centuries
Contemporary literature of Spanish speaking countries
Women’s literature
Comparative literature, translation
Assoc. Prof. Dr Inga Vidugirytė-Pakerienė Theory of Comparative Literature
Central and East European Literature
Literary Urban Studies
Feminist literary Criticism
Culture of Laughter
Dr María Sebastià Sáez Classical Tradition / Classical Reception
Comparative Literature
Gender Studies
Gabija Serapinienė Translation theory and practice
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