
Department of Foreign Language Teaching and Research


Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr Svetozar Poštič

Tel. (0 5) 268 7271, (0 5) 268 7272. Universiteto g. 5, LT-01513 Vilnius


The Department of Foreign Language Teaching and Research (DFLTR) brings together scholars and language practitioners who integrate language teaching with innovative interactive learning and teaching methods, applied in the study process. Our department scholars engage in research covering various areas, including: foreign language teaching methodology and reflection studies led by Dr. Adam Mastandrea, and Lect. Loreta Zavadskienė; cognitive linguistics and ethnolinguistics, actively researched by Dr. Liudmila Arcimavičienė and Dr. Irena Snukiškienė; socio-linguistics, actively researched by PhD student Dalia Pinkevičienė; literary theory, identity studies, culture, and values, led by Dr. Ovidiu Ivancu.  

Furthermore, a significant portion of our department members teach research-based academic English in various faculties of Vilnius University, including: Faculty of Philosophy, where Lect. Daiva Janavičienė and Lect. Aušra Dapšienė are actively involved, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics - Lect. Asta Statkevičienė, Lect. Laura Giniūnienė, and Lect. Rūta Sirvydė,  Institute of International Relations and Political Science -  Dr. Ovidiu Ivancu, Dr. Liudmila Arcimavičienė, and Lect. Vitalija Jankauskaitė-Jokūbaitienė, Life Sciences Center, involving Lect. Aušrelė Pranciulienė, Lect. Inga Piščikienė, and Lect. Dalia Pinkevičienė, Faculty of Chemistry and Geo Sciences - Lect. Inga Rozgienė, Lect. Lina Marčiūlionytė, and Lect. Daiva Janavičienė, Faculty of Medicine, where Lect. Danguolė Straižytė, Lect. Diana Gornatkevičienė, and Lect. Loreta Zavadskienė are actively engaged, and Dr. Adam Mastandrea actively engaged in the Faculty of Communication and the Faculty of Law.  

One of our department's primary goals is to contribute to research on teaching and learning modern languages, emphasizing the development of general and subject-specific competences. We explore the potential for developing these competences in the teaching and learning of modern languages, combining language research with innovative foreign language teaching methodologies and practices. 

Since 2019, the department has been annually organizing an academic debate event. During this event, 1st-year undergraduate students representing various faculties of Vilnius University compete in research-based reasoning and public speaking skills. The students demonstrate the skills they've acquired during the 'English for Academic Purposes and Research (C1)' course, focusing on presenting research-based and discipline-related evidence. 

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