
Department of Research in Languages for Specific Purposes

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr Simona Kontrimienė

Tel. (0 5) 268 7266, Universiteto g. 5, LT-01513 Vilnius

Department of Research in Languages for Specific Purposes (Dalykinių kalbų tyrimų katedra) brings together researchers in the fields of applied linguistics and didactics to explore didactic aspects of language teaching and learning (Prof. Dr Roma Kriaučiūnienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr Simona Kontrimienė, Lect. Jurgita Kašelionytė-Radet, Lect. Rasa Bačiulienė, Lect. Roma Valiukienė, Lect. Vilma Asijavičiūtė, Lect. Laura Černelytė).

One of the main goals of the department is to conduct research in structural, semantic, phonetic, and functional aspects of languages for specific purposes as well as to contribute to the research conducted by the Institute of Foreign Languages under the following themes:

  • Teaching and learning languages for specific purposes as a prerequisite for the development of general and subject competences
  • Subject-specific aspects of language teaching
  • Language use of foreign language learners
  • Research in language use in the media
  • Meta-cognitive research on translation as bilingual communication
  • Application of action-based theory to foreign language teaching (learning) at university
  • Professional development of foreign language teachers

The members of the department teach research-based academic English for specific purposes (ESP) at the following faculties of Vilnius University: Faculty of Communication (Dr Inna Samoylyukevich, Lect. Nicholas Edward Rickard), Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Prof. Dr Roma Kriaučiūnienė, Dr Inna Samoylyukevich, Lect. Vilma Asijavičiūtė, Lect. Rūta Montvilienė, Lect. Diana Snapkauskaitė, Lect. Rasa Stalnionytė, Lect. Vilma Vaskelaitė, Lect. Jurgita Kašelionytė-Radet), Faculty of Law (Lect. Vilma Asijavičiūtė, Lect. Rasa Stalnionytė, Lect. Gracija Pleikienė, Lect. Laura Černelytė), Faculty of Philology (Prof. Dr Roma Kriaučiūnienė, Lect. Rasa Bačiulienė), Faculty of Philosophy (Prof. Dr Roma Kriaučiūnienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr Simona Kontrimienė, Lect. Gracija Pleikienė, Lect. Nicholas Edward Rickard), Institute of International Relations and Political Science (Lect. Roma Valiukienė).

Our ESP courses are designed to develop students’ general, functional and communicative English language competences via receptive, productive, interactive and mediation skills in accordance with the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR Companion Volume, 2020). The tutorials deepen the students’ knowledge of the purpose and aims of the scientific discipline they study, its major areas, theories and research methods and enhance students’ transferable skills as well as the learning to learn competence.

Members of the Department who teach at the same faculties collaborate in the preparation of course descriptions and examination materials. Each year they form the Examinations Board, which reviews the materials for upcoming exams. Members of the Examination Board for 2023-2024: Lect. Diana Snapkauskaitė, Lect. Vilma Asijavičiūtė, Lect. Vilma Vaskelaitė.

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