Doctoral (PhD) studies are third-level studies and doctoral (PhD) students are postgraduate students and researchers. The purpose of doctoral studies is to train scientists capable of performing independent scientific research and experimental development as well as able to solve scientific problems.
Doctoral studies are very popular at Vilnius University. Each year competition for admission to doctoral studies is organized. Doctoral studies at the university are orientated towards the quality of study, flexible study process scheduling, and establishing a suitable academic environment. Each year experimental basis is renewed in all university’s academic institutions thus providing doctoral students with better conditions to carry out scientific research. Doctoral students also enhance their knowledge in various workshops, by participating in international events, academic projects, and performing educational work. For more information about doctoral studies at Vilnius university, please, visit University's website
PhD dissertations, defended
- Jurga Dzikaitė (Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore). Function of Literature in Developing Conscious Lithuanianness: Lituanistica Textbooks Published in Emigration in 1945–1990.
- Gražina Kelmelytė. Dialogue between the Alexandrian Christianity and the Gnostic School of Valentinus in Origen’s Commentary on the „Song of Songs“.
- Antanas Keturakis. Definiteness and its Marking in Romance Languages: Typological and Diachronic Aspects.
- Danguolė Kotryna Kapkan. The grammaticalization of BE perfects and beyond: case studies in Lithuanian, Bulgarian and Barese.
- Deividas Zibalas. Destination Rome: Cinematic Cityscapes in Contemporary Hollywood Tourist Films.
- Diana Burbienė. (Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty). Expressing relative time in Russian and Lithuanian
- Eleonora Terleckienė. Cultural Environment of Nicholas Christopher Radziwiłł “the Orphan” (1549–1616) and the Process of Catholic Renewal in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
- Tomas Riklius Formation of Baroque Aesthetic Categories in the Post-Tridentine Aesthetic Theory Treatises
- Gintarė Bidlauskienė. The Text & the City: Spaces of Vilnius in Lithuanian Literature and Poetical Documentary Film of the Second Half of the 20th Century
- Veslava Sidaravičienė. Trends of forming unofficial urban place names of Vilnius in the language of Lithuanian youth
- Jūratė Jasaitytė (Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore). The reception of the works of Rainer Maria Rilke in the Lithuanian literature
- Julija Šabasevičiūtė. Contrastive Lithuanian-Italian chromonymy
- Dalia Pinkevičienė. Social meanings of mixed speech: a study of four work environments in Vilnius
- Laima Vincė Sruoginis. Memory and postmemory in the writing of North American writers of Lithuanian descent
- Šarūnas Šavėla. The conceptualisation of music in Ancient Greek thought (V century B.C. – II century B.C.)
- Tomas Čenys. The elements of (Neo)Baroque in Modern Russian literature
- Aleksandra Šalkinė. Contemporary Russian literature in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia: the Baltic postcolonial novel
- Asta Laugalienė. Partitivity in Finnish and Lithuanian: object marking
- Jelena Kirejeva. Speech Genre of Quarrel: Constitutive Characteristics (based on contemporary British and Russian Drama)
- Justina Bružaitė-Liseckienė. Object marking in Lithuanian: case of Russian language high schools
- Aliona Sofija Ivinskaja. The Reception of Anna Akhmatova's works in Lithuania
- Eglė Žurauskaitė. Linguistic Impoliteness in Political TV Debates
- Eglė Vaisetaitė. Signs of lexical attrition in the L1 of Lithuanians in Ireland
- Ringailė Trakymaitė. Adjectival definiteness marking: Lithuanian in a typological context
- Giedrė Ivanova. Musical expression in the plays of Kostas Ostrauskas
- Dovilė Tamulaitienė. Accentuation of Lithuanian suffixal hydronyms
- Ingrida Kisieliūtė. Strategies of Application The New Economic Criticism. F. Dostoevsky’s case
- Monika Bodgzevič. The feelings of ANGER, FEAR and SHAME in Lithuanian from cognitive and cultural perspectives
- Justina Mandravickaitė. Linguistic characteristics of functional styles: a quantitative analysis
- Ieva Stasiūnaitė. On the Motivated Polysemy of Some Prepositions: from Concrete to Abstract Senses of the Lithuanian žemiau, po and the English below, under
- Alius Jaskelevičius. Construction of Panhellenic Identity in the Greek Historical Discourse of the Classical Period
- Ernesta Kazakėnaitė. Connections between fragments of the 16th-17th century Lutheran Bible in Latvian and Glück’s translation of the Bible into Latvian (1685–1694)
- Veronika Girininkaitė. Interaction of the languages and the cultures in the idiolect of a multilingual. Case study: The Diary (1904–1910) of Vytautas Civinskis (Witold Cywiński)
- Jurgita Astrauskienė. Expression of literary wit in the 17th century English drama, poetry and prose
- Giedrė Buivytė. Reflexes of myth in medieval Germanic poetry and Lithuanian folk Songs: comon Indo-European heritage
- Indrė Makauskaitė. Semantic structure of Lithuanian temporal adverbials
- Dalia Mankauskienė. Problem triggers in simultaneous interpreting from English into Lithuanian
- Vitalija Kazlauskienė. Syntagme nominal en fle : analyse d’un corpus d’apprenants lituaniens
- Dalia Liepinytė-Kytrienė. Opinion leaders’ speech characteristics in online news portals
- Eglė Vaivadaitė-Kaidi. Metaphoric language change in the 19th–20th century Catholic translations of the Bible into Lithuanian
- Rima Bertašavičiūtė. „A Case of Identity“: Contemporary Lithuanian Essay
- Violeta Katinienė. Wende-literature: German and Lithuanian novels of the late twentieth and the early twenty first centuries
- Kęstutis Morkūnas. The problema of the authorship of Morkūnas Postilla: the comparative research of morphology of the lithuanian writings by the reformers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of the 16th century