Professor, Head of the Centre for General Linguistics, distinguished professor of Vilnius University
- Gold Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland (2014)
- Honorary doctor of the University of Latvia (2014)
- member of Academia Europaea narys (2020)
Asdress: Universiteto 5, LT-01513 Vilnius
Fields of research
- General linguistics: linguistic theories and their interaction, theory of the linguistic sign
- Historical syntax and morphosyntax
- Grammatical semantics
- Lithuanian grammar
Recent research topics
- Problems in Dependency Syntax
- Verbal grams: Voice, TAME (tense-aspect-mood-evidentiality)
- the grammar of contemporary Lithuanian: grammatical semantics, syntax and morphosyntax
Courses taught
- PhD seminar
- Trends in Contemporary Linguistics (MA)
- Linguistic Typology (MA)
- Syntax (MA)
- Syntax and Semantics (BA)
- Grammatical Theory (MA)
Monographs (after 2018)
- The Middle Voice in Baltic. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Articles (2018-2022)
- A hitherto unnoticed verb-framed construction in Lithuanian and the typology of event conflation, Studies in Language. DOI: (2022)
- Irrealis, aspect, and unanchoring in Slavonic and beyond. Zeitschrift für Slawistik1, 2022, 60–76. DOI:
- Echoic deontics, in: Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online, Editor-in-Chief Marc L. Greenberg. DOI: (2022)
- [su Anna Daugavet] Types of null arguments in Baltic. In: Gréte Dalmi, Egor Tsedryk & Piotr Cegłowski, eds., Null Subjects in Slavic and Finno-Ugric. Licensing, Structure, and TBerlin etc.: De Gruyter, 2022, 205–227. DOI: https://doi.,org/10.1515/9781501513848-007
- [su Gina Kavaliūnaite] The Lithuanian mirative present and its history. In Studies in the TAME Domain in Baltic and its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 12 (thematic issue), 413–439. DOI:
- [su Liina Lindström, Anna Daugavet, Asta Laugaliene] Irrealis in Baltic and Baltic Fennic. In Studies in the TAME Domain in Baltic and its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 12 (thematic issue), 349–411. DOI:
- [su Anna Daugavet and Vaiva Žeimantiene] The perfective present inLithuanian. In Studies in the TAME Domain in Baltic and its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 12 (thematic issue), 249–293. DOI:
- The TAME domain in Baltic and its neighbours. An introduction. In Studies in the TAME Domain in Baltic and Its Neighbours= Baltic Linguistics 12 (thematic issue), 7–19. DOI:
- The notion of mood reexamined, against the background of modality. Voprosy jazykoznanija 6, 7–21. DOI:
- [su Gina Kavaliūnaite ir Pawelu Brudzyńskiu] The rise of the affixal reflexive in Baltic and its consequences: Morphology,syntax and semantics. In: Studies in the Voice Domain in Baltic and Its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 11, 2020, 373–414. DOI:
- Lithuanian intensive causatives and their history. In: Studies in the Voice Domain in Baltic and Its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 11, 2020, 415–437. DOI:
- [su Anna Daugavet] The facilitative middle in Baltic and North Slavonic: An overview of its variation. In: Studies in the Voice Domain in Baltic and Its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 11, 2020, 291–342. DOI:
- [with Anna Daugavet] Antipassive reflexive constructions in Latvian: A corpus-based analysis. In: Studies in the Voice Domain in Baltic and Its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 11, 2020, 241–290. DOI
- The voice domain in Baltic and its neighbours: Introduction. In: Studies in the Voice Domain in Baltic and Its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 11, 2020, 7–24. DOI:
- The dual nature of irrealis in complementation. Studies in Language 1, 2020, 166–191.
- Sources and pathways for non-directive imperatives. Linguistics 2, 2020, 333–362. DOI:
- Middle Voice, in: Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online, Editor-in-Chief Marc L. Greenberg. DOI: (2020)
- [su Anna Daugavet ir Liina Lindström], Insubordinated concessive imperatives: An areal constructional idiom type. In Minor Grams in Baltic, Slavonic and Fennic= Baltic Linguistics 10, 2019, 307–354. DOI:
- On the heterogeneity of deaccusative reflexives. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 3, 2019, 401–419. DOI:
- Marja-Liisa Helasvuo & Tuomas Huumo, eds., Subjects in Constructions – Canonical and Non-Canonical. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2015. Constructions and Frames 1, 2018, 98–105. DOI:
- [su Birute Sprauniene ir Asta Laugaliene] Some implications for Ērika. Implicatives in Danish, Finnish and Lithuanian. In: Ieva Steponavičiūtė-Aleksienūnienė & Loreta Vaicekauskienė, eds., Shaping the Rings of the Scandinavian Fellowship: Festschrift for Ērika Sausverde, Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2019, 215–240. (WoS Book List) DOI:
- Minor grams in Baltic. An introduction. In Minor Grams in Baltic, Slavonic and Fennic= Baltic Linguistics 10, 2019, 7–20. DOI:
- [su Anna Daugavet], An elusive experiential tense construction in Latvian. In Minor Grams in Baltic, Slavonic and Fennic= Baltic Linguistics 10, 2019, 109–153. DOI:
- [su Anna Daugavet, Birute Sprauniene and Asta Laugaliene], The agentive construction in Baltic and Fennic. In Minor Grams in Baltic, Slavonic and Fennic= Baltic Linguistics 10, 2019, 195–236.
- [su Vaiva Žeimantiene], Absentives or ambidirectionals? Motion-cum-purpose constructions with ‘be’ and the infinitive in Baltic and elsewhere. In Minor Grams in Baltic, Slavonic and Fennic= Baltic Linguistics 10, 2019, 155–193. DOI:
- Sources for historical imperatives. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 50.1, 2018, 36–51. DOI:
- Markierung fremder Rede: Typen und Funktionen. In Virginija Masiulionytė & Skaistė Volungevičienė, eds., Fremde und eigene Sprachen. Akten des 51. Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Vilnius 2016. Berlin etc.: Peter Lang, 13–25.
- Epistemic modality, evidentiality, quotativity and echoic use. In Zlatka Guentchéva, ed., Epistemic Modalities and Evidentiality in Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2018, 242–258. DOI:
- The syntax of Baltic. In: Jared Klein, Brian Joseph & Matthias Fritz, eds., Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics. Vol. 3. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2018, 1668-1681. DOI:
- The syntax of Balto-Slavic. In: Jared Klein, Brian Joseph & Matthias Fritz, eds., Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics. Vol. 3. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2018, 2000-2011. DOI:
- On so-called converse reflexives in Slavic and Baltic, Zeitschrift für Slawistik 63(3): 373–394. DOI:
Research projects
- The Baltic Verb: Grams, Categories, Domains. Project leader: Prof. Axel Holvoet. Implementation period: 01.2018 – 12. 2021. (Research Council of Lithuania 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0071). Project outcome: three collections of articles published as thematic volumes of the journal Baltic Linguistics, all in free access:
- Valency, Argument Realization and Grammatical Relations in Baltic. Project leader: Prof. Axel Holvoet. Implementation period: 10.2012 – 09.2015. (Research Council of Lithuania VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-02-022). Project outcome: the five-volume editorial series Valency, Argument Realization and Grammatical Relations in Baltic, Vols. 1–5, Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. It consists of three volumas of articles and two monographs:
- Grammatical Relations and their Non-Canonical Encoding in Baltic, ed. Axel Holvoet & Nicole Nau
- Voice and Argument Structure in Baltic, ed. Axel Holvoet & Nicole Nau
- Argument Realization in Baltic, ed. Axel Holvoet & Nicole Nau
- Rolandas Mikulskas, Copular Constructions in Lithuanian
- Axel Holvoet, The Middle Voice in Baltic
Invited papers and lectures
- Pavia International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics, September 2002 (Programme), instructor (with a cycle of lectures on Baltic)
- “The Baltic view on verbal aspect”, invited paper at the 13th International Congress of Baltic Studies, Riga, October 13, 2021.
- “Non-directive imperatives in Baltic and elsewhere”, invited paper at the conference Baltic Linguistics: New Perspectives and Methods, November 21-22, 2018, University of Tromsø
Membership in editorial teams and boards
- Baltic Linguistics (Warsaw), managing editor (2010-)
- Linguistica Copernicana (Toruń, Poland), member of the editorial board
- Kalbotyra (VU, member of the editorial board)
Other activities
- Membership in habilitation committees: Justyna Walkowiak (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, 2020), Mikhail Oslon (Cracow, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute for the Polish Language, 2022)
- Supervision of postdoctoral projects: Vladimir Panov (VU, 2017–2019), Alexandre Cremers (VU, 2020–2022)
- Supervision of PhD theses: Ringailė Trakymaitė (VU, defended in 2021), Asta Laugalienė (VU, defended in 2022), Paweł Brudzyński (Warsaw University, defended in February 2023)
Review and evaluation activities
- Occasional reviewer for: Linguistics, Journal of Linguistics, Folia Linguistica Historica, Glossa, Evolutionary Linguistic Theory, Linguistic Variation; reviews for non-periodical publications: Cambridge Handbook of Slavic Linguistics, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
- Project evaluation for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Other activities
- Organizer of the international summer schools of linguistics Academia Grammaticorum Salensis (2004–)
Additional activities
- Organizer of the Salos Summer Schools of Linguistics since 2004; the 20th edition of the summer school will take place in July 2023. See