On 26 September, the results of applications for the first Baltic Research Programme were announced by a panel of experts that selected 7 projects out of 130 applications. The projects will receive € 6 million in funding throughout several years.
Among the selected projects are two projects coordinated by the University of Tartu, and researchers from Vilnius University are participants in one of them. One of the two selected projects is titled "Academic writing in the Baltic States: rhetorical structures through culture(s) and languages" and is supervised by associate professor Jolanta Šinkūnienė, a scholar at the English Philology Department of the Institute of English, Romance, and Classical Studies.
The Baltic Research Programme is a joint research programme of three Baltic states, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The Programme is funded under the 2014-2021 financial mechanisms of European Economic Area (EEA) states (Island and Lichtenstein) and Norway. The aim of the Programme is to fund scientific research as a form of regional cooperation. There will be three calls for applications for the Programme: in 2018, a call for applications was announced Estonia; in 2019, Latvia will conduct the application selection process; in 2020, the call for and selection of applications will take place in Lithuania.
Click to find out more about the Baltic Research Programme and the results of the 1st call for applications.