Associate Professor
Address: Universiteto 5, LT-01513 Vilnius
Telephone: +370 5 268 7201
Fields of research
- Political history of Ancient Greece;
- Ancient Greek historiography and historiographical theoretical discourse (Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Polybius, Diodorus Siculus, Plutarch, Lucian et all.);
- Hellenistic literature and culture;
- Representation of women in Classical Greek literature;
- History of Classical scholarship in Soviet era
Courses taught
- Ancient Greek language;
- History of Greece and Rome;
- Development of the Ancient historiographical text;
- Political history of Ancient Greece;
- Cultural paradigms of Hellenism
- 2021. Ričardas Mironas (1908-1979): sovietinio mokslininko karjeros profilis (archyvinių šaltinių apžvalga) [Career profile of the Soviet scholar: Ričardas Mironas]. Literatūra 63 (3), 74 – 89. DOI: 15388/Litera.2021.3.5
- 2021. Themistocles the Saviour: The leader as a trickster in Herodotus. De risu. Representations and evaluations of laughter in Greek and Roman literature (J. Akujӓri, J. Blomqvist, K. Blomqvist, Eds.). Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia 27, 25 – 44. ISBN (print) 978-91-7267-438-7; ISBN (pdf) 978-91-7267-439-4. ISSN 1100-7931
- 2020. Moterų gyvenimai Plutarcho Gyvenimuose [The Lives of Women in Plutarch‘s Lives]. Literatūra, 62(3), 31–48.
- 2017. Classical Scholarship in Lithuania at the Beginning of the Soviet Era: the struggle for survival. Spudasmata 171: The Classical Tradition in the Baltic Region. Perceptions and Adaptations of Greece and Rome (A. Jönsson and Gr. Vogt-Spira, eds.), Olmes-Weidemann, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York, 545-561.
- 2016. Themistocles as a trickster in Herodotus. Melita Classica (Journal of the Malta Classics Association) Vol. 3, 45-61 (ISBN: 978-99957-847-4-4).
- 2015. Comparing History and Tragedy: the Case of Polybius and Plutarch. Melita Classica (Journal of the Malta Classics Association) Vol. 2, 73-98 (ISBN: 978-99957-847-37).
- 2013. Notes on the invention of history. LCI (Limbi, culturi, identităţi): In honorem Gabrielae Creţia (F. Bechet, Th. Georgescu, ed-s.). Institutul de studii clasice, Editura universitãţii din Bucureşti, 240-250 (ISBN 978-606-16-0311-4).
- 2013. Classical Philology in Early Soviety Lithuania: between the European Tradition and Reality. Classics and Communism: Greek and Latin behind the Iron Curtain (G. Karsai, G. Klaniczay, D. Movrin, E. Olechowska, eds.), Ljubljana-Budapest-Warsaw, 169-186 (ISBN 978-961-237-601-7).
- 2013. Klasična filologija v zgodnjesovjetski Litvi: med evropsko tradicijo in resničnostjo. Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca, XV (2), 133-145, Ljubljana, Društvo za antične in humanistišne študije Slovenije (Societas Sloveniae studiis antiquitatis et humanitatis investigandis) (ISSN 1580-0261).
- 2012. Kas atrado istoriją [Who invented history]. Literatūra, 54(3), 69-78 (ISSN 0258-0802)
- 2012. Historiographic Scientific Discourse and the Tradition of Geography. Hellenic Dimension, Rīga: Latvijas Universitate, 22-29 (ISBN 978-9984-45-469-6).
- 2012. Alexander and Caesar in Plutarch’s Lives: Different Narratological Strategies. Humanitāro zinātņu vēstnesis, Daugavpils universitāte, 21, 17-27 ( ISSN 1407-9607).
- 2011. τά περ ὦν καὶ ἐγένετο: Temistoklis Herodoto Istorijoje [τά περ ὦν καὶ ἐγένετο: Themistocles in Herodotus]. Literatūra, 53(3), 41-55. (ISSN 0258-0802).
- 2010. Plutarcho Aleksandras: interpretacijos problemos [Plutarch‘s Alexander: Problems of interpretation]. Literatūra, 52(3), 34-44 (ISSN 0258-0802).
- 2008. Strabono Geografijos įžangos: mokslinio diskurso tąsa ir originalumas [Prooemia in Strabo‘s Geography: the continuation and originality of scientific discourse]. Literatūra, 50(3), 55-73(ISSN 0258-0802).
- 2008. The Perception of Greco-Persian Wars in Herodotus and Plutarch. Hellenic Heritage: Genesis, Rīga: Latvijas Universitate, 48-56 (ISBN 9789984825779).
- 2006 - Tautiniai stereotipai klasikinėje ir romėniškoje Graikijoje: Herodotas ir Diodoras apie graikus ir kitus [National stereotypes in Classical and roman Greece: Herodotus and Diodorus about Greeks and the others]. Literatūra, 48 (3), 52-67.
- 2005. Graikų karų su persais recepcija romėniškoje Graikijoje: Herodotas Plutarcho akimis [The reception of the Greco-Persian wars in the Roman Greece]. Literatūra, 47(3), 8-32.
- 2004. Istorikai apie istoriją ir tragediją [Historians about history and tragedy]. Literatūra, 46 (3), 41– 57.
- 2002. Antikinės istoriografijos stilistinės paradigmos: retorika ir epas [Stylistic paradigms of Ancient historiography: rhetorics and epos]. Literatūra, 44(3), 24-36.
- 2001. Herodoto Istorijos pasakotojas [Narrator in Herodotus‘ History]. Literatūra, 43(3), 57-64.
- 2000. “Gyvenimų” žanro genezės problemos. Literatūra, 42(3), 32-41.
- 1999. Prooimion i praefatio: funkcja wstępu w historiografii kłasycznej. Collectanea classica Toruniensia T 13: Studia Graeco – Latina. Toruń, 83 – 93.
- Fragments of Callinus, Tyrtaeus, Solon. Graikų literatūros chrestomatija, Vilnius: Mintis, 2008.
- Demostenas. Trečioji kalba prieš Filipą. [Demosthenes. 3-rd Fillipic]. Graikų literatūros chrestomatija, Vilnius: Mintis, 2008, 576-588.
- Vilniaus bažnyčių įrašai (Inscriptiones ecclesiarum Vilnensium; Inskrypcje z Wileńskich kościołów) (sudarė E. Ulčinaitė ir W. Appel) T. I. Vilnius: Aidai, 2005 (translation; with co-authors).
- Plutarchas. Biografijos (vertimas, komentarai, įvadinis straipsnis) [Plutarch. Biographies (with general introduction and explanatory notes)]. Vilnius, 1998.
- Herodoto Istorijos fragmentų vertimas [Translation of the fragments from Herodotus‘ History]. Baltų religijos ir mitologijos šaltiniai, T I. Vilnius, 1996.
- Isokratas. Laiškas Demonikui. [Isocrates. To Demonicus] Antikos pedagogai. Kaunas, 1991.
- 2006 U.Li.S.S.E. in Europe [Unita linguistica storico-scientifica Europea], Europinio projekto Culture 2000: D-G for Education and Culture (Perugia-Malta-Lund) – researcher
- 2008-2020 International project Colloquium Balticum (Lund – Greifswald – Marburg – Tartu – Riga - Vilnius) – organization of annual international conferences, membership in the editorial board of the Studia Colloquii Baltici selecta -2017
- 2009 - 2010 International scientific project Gnôthi seauton! Classics and Communism: The History of the Studies on Antiquity in the Context of the Local Classical Tradition of the Socialist Countries 1944/45-1989/90 (Hungary - Poland - Slovenia, funded by Thyssen Foundation) – researcher, fellow of Collegium Budapest
- 2012-2014 Creation and Implementation of Study Quality Management System (funded by EU Structural Funds) – participation
- From January 1, 2021 H2020-Widespread-2020-5 MotherNet#952366 Developing a new Network of Researchers on Contemporary European Motherhood Activity: WIDESPREAD-05-2020–Twinning (Vilnius, Maynooth, Uppsala Universities) - participation
Student supervision
- Supervisor of the doctoral dissertation (Alius Jaskelevičius Panhelenic Identity Problems in Ancient Greek Historiography), defended 04-12-2020.
Other activities
- Deputy editor-in-chief of the scientific publication Literatūra (VU Research Papers), compiler and editor of Literatūra (3)
- Editorial council member of the journal Keria. Studia Latina et Graeca (Slovene Association of Antique and Humanistic Studies)
- Member of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed periodical publication Antiquitas viva (University of Latvia).
- Executive committee member and vicepresident of Euroclassica (European Association of Teachers of Classical Languages and Culture) (2011 - 2019), representative of Lithuania in the General Assembly of Euroclassica.
- President of the Lithuanian Association of Classicists (Societas Classica).
- Member of the commission of the entrance examination of doctoral candidates, Faculty of Philology; member of the doctoral theses defence committee (8), member of the doctoral examination committee.
- Expert of the Lithuanian Research