Assistant Professor
Address: Universiteto g. 5, LT-01122 Vilnius
Fields of research
- Grammatical semantics
- Syntax and morphosyntax
- Areal linguistics and dialectology
Recent research topics
- Development of perfect in Baltic and other languages
- Modals in Baltic and other languages
Courses taught
- Introduction to Linguistics (seminars, BA)
- Lithuanian in a Typological Perspective (BA)
- Contemporary Linguistics: Theories and Research Methods (BA)
- Introduction to Grammaticalization (seminar in English Linguistics, BA)
- Lingistic Diversity and Language Science (General University Studies)
- [with Axel Holvoet] Types of null arguments in Baltic. In: Gréte Dalmi, Egor Tsedryk & Piotr Cegłowski, eds., Null Subjects in Slavic and Finno-Ugric. Licensing, Structure, and Typology. Berlin etc.: De Gruyter, 2022, 205–227.
- [with Peter Arkadiev] The perfects in Latvian and Lithuanian: A comparative study based on questionnaire and corpus data. In Studies in the TAME Domain in Baltic and its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 12, 2021, 73– DOI:
- [with Axel Holvoet, Liina Lindström, Asta Laugalienė] Irrealis in Baltic and Baltic Fennic. In Studies in the TAME Domain in Baltic and its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 12, 2021, 349–411. DOI:
- [with Axel Holvoet ir Vaiva Žeimantienė] The perfective present inLithuanian. In Studies in the TAME Domain in Baltic and its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 12, 2021, 249–293. DOI:
- A deontic possibility modal in Latvian: personal vs impersonal uses in a corpus. In: Peter Arkadiev, Jurgis Pakerys, Inesa Šeškauskienė, Vaiva Žeimantienė (eds.), Studies in Baltic and other Languages. A Festschrift for Axel Holvoet on the occasion of his 65th birthday (Vilnius University Open Series Vol. 16). Vilnius: Vilnius University Press, 2021, 118– DOI:
- [with Peter Arkadiev] Перфект в литовском и латышском языках: сопоставительный анализ на основе типологической анкеты. Вопросы языкознания, 2021.4, 7–41. DOI: 10.31857/0373-658X.2021.4.7-41
- [with Axel Holvoet] The facilitative middle in Baltic and North Slavonic: An overview of its variation. In: Studies in the Voice Domain in Baltic and Its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 11, 2020, 291–342.
- [with Axel Holvoet] Antipassive reflexive constructions in Latvian: A corpus-based analysis. In: Studies in the Voice Domain in Baltic and Its Neighbours = Baltic Linguistics 11, 2020, 241–290. DOI
- [with Macieju Karpiński, Bistra Andreeva, Eva Liina Asu, Štefan Beňuš, Katalin Mády]. Central and Eastern Europe. In: Carlos Gussenhoven & Aoju Chen (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 225–235.
- [with Axel Holvoet and Liina Lindström], Insubordinated concessive imperatives: An areal constructional idiom type. In Minor Grams in Baltic, Slavonic and Fennic = Baltic Linguistics 10, 2019, 307–354. DOI:
- [su Akseliu Holvoetu, Birute Sprauniene and Asta Laugaliene], The agentive construction in Baltic and Fennic. In Minor Grams in Baltic, Slavonic and Fennic = Baltic Linguistics 10, 2019, 195–236. DOI:
- [with Axel Holvoet], An elusive experiential tense construction in Latvian. In Minor Grams in Baltic, Slavonic and Fennic = Baltic Linguistics 10, 2019, 109–153. DOI:
- On subjects of necessity verbs in Latvian. Baltic Linguistics 9, 2018, 45–109. DOI:
- A corpus-based study of the Latvian debitive vs vajadzēt. Baltic Linguistics 8, 2017, 9–56. DOI:
- Латышские глаголы dabūt и tikt: “aquisitive modals” и другие значения. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Труды Института лингвистических исследований РАН / Отв. ред. Н. Н. Казанский. Т. XII. Ч. 1. Исследования по типологии и грамматике / Отв. ред. тома Д. В. Герасимов. Санкт-Петербург: Наука, 2016, 393–406.
- The lengthening of the first component of Lithuanian diphthongs in an areal perspective. In: Peter Arkadiev, Axel Holvoet and Björn Wiemer, eds., Contemporary Approaches to Baltic Linguistics. Berlin; Boston: de Gruyter Mouton, 2015, 139–202. DOI:
- Latvian dabūt 'get': An acquisitive modal. Baltic Linguistics 6, 2015, 9–44. DOI:
- Развитие лексических и грамматических значений латышского глагола tikt. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия 9: Филология. Востоковедение. Журналистика, 3, 49–59.
- Recent development in Latvian dialectology: A review article. Baltic Linguistics 5, 2014, 147–177. DOI:
- Геминация согласных в латышском языке: следы прибалтийско-финского влияния. Исследования по типологии славянских, балтийских и балканских языков (преимущественно в свете языковых контактов). Отв. ред.: ак. Вяч. Вс. Иванов, отв. секретарь и сост.: П. М. Аркадьев. Санкт-Петербург, 2013, 280–319.
- Syllable length in Latvian and Lithuanian: searching for the criteria. Baltic Linguistics 1, 2010, 83–114. DOI: