
Assist. Dr Adam Mastandrea lecture 'Working with disinformation discourses in a language classroom'

The series of guest lectures 'Seven months, seven universities' launches its tenth episode: 'Working with disinformation discourses in a language classroom' by Assist. Dr Adam Mastandrea from Vilnius University. The webinar will take place online on 30th March at 11:00 am CEST and it will be broadcast live on Arqus YouTube channel.

For more information visit the Arqus  website >

ARQUS workshop on Slovene – 'exotic' language and culture

This workshop offered by the University of Graz aims to provide a very first introduction to the Slovene language and culture. Participants will learn in an interactive way some basic words and expressions, including grammar specials (mini crash-course). Participants will also get acquainted with the culture, history and geography of SLOVEnia.

There are no prerequisites for this course, but participants are asked to join in with their microphone and computer camera on.

Target group: All interested academic staff members of the Arqus Alliance partner universities.

Workshop leader: Tatjana Koren and Laura Fekonja Fonteyn, Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Graz.

Date and time: 1 April 2022, 10:00-12:00 (CEST).

Please register here by 27 March 2022.

Workshop format: Online (Zoom). Participants will receive an invitation to a Zoom meeting in a timely manner.

Fee: The workshop is free of charge for staff members of the Arqus Alliance partner universities.

Contact: For any enquiries, please contact Simone Klinge  

Please note: In order to ensure the quality of the session and for the benefit of the participants, the number of participants for this workshop is limited to a maximum of 14. There are 2 workshop places per partner university and these will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If there are less than 2 registrations from one university, the remaining places will be allocated in list order regardless of affiliation to a partner university.

The Arqus workshop series on language and cross-cultural competence is offered in the framework of Action Line 4 Multilingual and Multicultural University (sub-line 4.5), led by Leipzig University. These workshops target academic and administrative staff at partner universities and focus on specific topics such as working and teaching through the medium of English, intercultural awareness in the classroom and outside, and inclusive language.

Information for the selected Erasmus students

ERASMUS+ results are HERE.

ARQUS and Coimbra group results are HERE.

Search for your student card number you have entered when applying.

We are planning an online informational seminar. Please use the link below to attend and/or watch the recording later.

  • March 17th, Thursday, 2pm (in Lithuanian). Press HERE.
  • March 22th, Tuesday, 2pm (in English). Press HERE.

During the seminar you will be introduced to the following information: application documents, how to fill various forms, scholarships etc. 

Please join MS Teams group using the following code: 4d04cr2. Further online meeting, if needed, will be held there. Also, we‘ll upload required documents for easier use.

Currently urgent nominations are being sent. Don’t be surprised if you receive an email from the host university with the application instructions. Please pay close attention to the application DEADLINE, this is important! Nomination deadlines vary, no need to worry, everyone will be nominated on time.

After the official announcement of the results (after March 16th) changes are not allowed without a valid reason.

If you decide not to take part in the Exchange Programme (provided you have a valid reason), please inform both International relations office () and the exchange coordinator of Your faculty. Should you have doubts, please don’t hesitate to ask questions. We will do our best to find solutions together.

It is highly recommended to check the following information about the host University:

  1. Application deadline
  2. Subjects/courses you can study at the Host University and the language requirements for selected subjects/courses
  3. Application procedure
  4. Accommodation: what are the options, terms, conditions etc.

Free Lithuanian language courses for Ukrainian people / Курси литовської мови

P1143283.jpgWe invite Ukrainians fleeing the war to register for free Lithuanian language training. The training is for adults who have settled in Vilnius. It is face-to-face training. Participants will be provided with textbooks.

Dates: the first training groups will start on 16-18 March, the others in the following weeks. The training consists of 25 sessions and is expected to last about 3 months. Those who will register, will be committing to attend all sessions.

Registration form >

Запрошуємо українців, які втікають від війни, записатися на безкоштовне навчання литовської мови. Навчання для дорослих, які оселилися у Вільнюсі. Це очне навчання. Учасники будуть забезпечені підручниками.

Перші навчальні групи стартують 16-18 березня, інші – у наступні тижні. Один навчальний курс складатиметься з 25 занять, їх тривалість 3 місяці. Учасники, що зареєструвалися на тренінг-навчання, зобов’язуються брати участь у всіх заняттях.

Навчання литовською мовою відбуватиметься у приміщеннях творчого простору «Нічний Вільнюський вулик»  (Naktinis Vilniaus avilys) (вул. Вільнюс, 22), Вільнюського університету (вул. Університето, 5) та в школах для дорослих.

Pеєстраційну форму >

Restoration of Independence Day greetings

Dear colleagues and friends of the Faculty of Philology,

Every year in March, with the sunny skies above the country, Lithuania celebrates the Restoration of Independence Day. For 32 years, March 11 has been a glorious day of our freedom. With the most atrocious war raging in Ukraine, we are aware that the notion of freedom is becoming more paramount than ever. I would like to invite all our friends, all peace-loving people to share our joy of freedom and to support all who seek freedom and peace. Let us celebrate freedom, let us celebrate life together!

Kind regards,

Professor Inesa Šeškauskienė
Dean of the Faculty of Philology


Adress to the community

Dear members of the community of the Faculty of Philology,

In Vilnius University, the Faculty of Philology is one of the most multilingual and multicultural, which is our huge advantage and strength. This is a fundamental prerequisite of many of our unique projects and everyday work, it helps maintain our professionalism and openness to people of all races, nations, genders, religions, languages, opinions, and lifestyles. We are also a peace-loving community supporting those who are wrongly accused or disadvantaged, helping all experiencing injustice or humiliation.

In the context of the most atrocious war, many of us have become more sensitive and vulnerable to the surrounding world. However, I would like to encourage you all to concentrate and proceed with your everyday tasks, to discuss, to talk to each other, to solve problems, just to go on living. Let us also make sure that we still adhere to and cherish our key academic and human values, let us respect one another.

I am convinced that each and every member of the community of the Faculty of Philology is a patriot of his/her country and also aware how fragile our common world may be, especially if assailed by suspicion or accusation on the grounds of race, gender, nationality, religion, language, opinion, or lifestyle. Let us try to avoid it. I trust you, I am happy to work together with you.

If you are concerned about suspicious emails or experience humiliating attacks, write to me or call me.

Thank you all for your understanding.


Kind regards,

Professor Inesa Šeškauskienė
Dean of the Faculty of Philology


Restoration of Lithuania's Statehood Day greetings

MicrosoftTeams-image_copy_copy_copy.pngDear colleagues,

May I congratulate you on the occasion of the Day of the Restoration of Lithuania’s Statehood! It is the 104th anniversary, and we are proud to be able to celebrate it; during the last three decades, in independent Lithuania, we have also been able to openly share our joy with other people, which was not possible in Soviet times. I invite you all, our dear international friends, to join us in our celebration. I am attaching a lovely picture from last year. I feel you are smiling. :)

Let us share our joy!

Kind regards,

Prof. Inesa Šeškauskienė
Dean of the Faculty of Philology

2021/2022 Autumn Semester Exam Retakes

2021/2022 autumn semester exam retakes will be held from the 4th until the18th of February.

Retake dates for BA students >

Retake dates for MA students >

The dates are constantly being updated as soon as the professors announce it.

If you cannot find the date for the needed subject, please contact the professor and follow the information on Faculty's website.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 

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