
European Day of Languages Panel discussion “Language Education: Empowering Minds and Bridging Cultures”

Live Facebook Event to celebrate the European Day of Languages Panel discussion “Language Education: Empowering Minds and Bridging Cultures”

  • Date: 2023-09-26
  • Time: 15:00
  • Room: SP2 
  • Language: English  

The purpose of the panel discussion is to facilitate a dynamic conversation about the significance of learning and teaching foreign languages within the context of cultural diversity at the university level. The panel will be moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liudmila Arcimavičienė, who will be joined by a team of five invited guests: Senior Researcher Dr. Inna Samoylyukevych from Ukraine, Dr. Ovidiu Ivancu from Romania, Dr. Adam Mastandrea from the USA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Loreta Chodzkienė, and Lect. Gitana Irnienė from Lithuania. These experts will share their insights and address questions from the Facebook audience, which will be curated by the moderator and collected via Facebook live streaming. 

All the discussion panelists are currently teaching at the Faculty of Philology, Institute of Foreign Languages at Vilnius University, and during the discussion dedicated to celebrating European Day of Languages will tackle the following questions:  

Discussion questions

  1. What inspired your passion for teaching foreign languages?
  2. What are the practical benefits of multilingualism for students in various career fields?
  3. What strategies can educators use to encourage creativity in language learning?

We have great expectations that this panel discussion will serve as a catalyst for raising the audience's awareness of the significance of language education and the rich tapestry of intercultural values. Our aim is to inspire a deeper appreciation for the role of language in fostering cross-cultural understanding and forging connections across diverse societies. By the end of our discussion, we hope that attendees will carry forward a renewed commitment to championing language education and celebrating the invaluable cultural treasures it brings to light.


Call for papers for the special issue of Semiotika (2024) on the semiotics of space

The 2024 special issue of Semiotika aims to expand inquiry into the questions of spatial semiotics within the framework of semiotics of Algirdas Julius Greimas from the ground laid in Baltos lankos (2012, No. 34) and two earlier volumes of Semiotika (2013, 2014). This special issue invites papers that broaden the field of research by including Lotmanian approach to space in the semiotics of culture and, further, investigations that contribute to the spatial turn in postcolonial studies, literary geography and cartography, geocriticism, and literary urbanism.

We welcome papers focused on, but not limited to:

  • Space and spatiality in semiotic and other theories;
  • Research on space and spatiality: methods, challenges and discoveries;
  • Space in literature;
  • Space in visual and plastic arts, music, architecture;
  • Space in new media;
  • Other related topics.

The deadline for submissions is 31 July 2024.

Send your articles to: 

Semiotika is an international open access double-blind peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal focusing on both theoretical and practical aspects of cultural semiotics, structuralism and poststructuralism, contemporary semiotic research, history and theory of semiotics, and analysis of various types of discourse. The journal accepts articles in Lithuanian, English and French and does not charge article processing charges or submission charges. As we move Semiotika fully online, we look forward to presenting latest research more quickly and in an environmentally friendly form. For detailed instructions on style, presentation and formatting conventions, and additional information, please see our Author Guidelines > 

Markus Falk lecture "Confessional Culture in Old Lithuanian Texts"

On September 20th, 11am (J. Balkevičius room) we have the pleasure to invite you to a lecture Confessional Culture in Old Lithuanian Texts by Markus Falk – PhD researcher at Humboldt University, Berlin. 

Abstract: In the lecture I will present the subject-matter and first results of my doctoral thesis, currently under preparation at the Chair of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics at Humboldt University Berlin. The new concept of confessional culture, which is intended to complement the older concepts of confessionalization and counter-reformation in German historical science, will be applied to Old Lithuanian texts from the 16th and 17th c. The traditions of different confessions following the reformation will be compared with respect to their confessional culture. As a non-official language, Old Lithuanian is attested relatively late and in few text types. For this reason I will introduce a new hypothesis concerning the order of appearence of Old Lithuanian text types according to their relative importance in different confessions.

The lecture will be held in English.

MotherNet: Final conference

In 2020, a group of researchers from Vilnius University (Lithuania), Uppsala University (Sweden), and Maynooth University (Ireland) were awarded funding from the EU Horizon 2020 Twinning research and innovation programme to carry out collaborative and interdisciplinary cutting-edge research on contemporary motherhood (grant agreement No 952366). The project has since become known as MotherNet and, over the course of the last 3 years, the team has been involved in the establishment of research clusters, publications, summer schools, mentoring, scientific missions, knowledge dissemination and public outreach activities across the globe. This conference will mark the culminating event of MotherNet’s research journey and aims to provide a space where we can reflect on what we have learned thus far but also an opportunity for new scholars who are unfamiliar with our work to join us in our dialogue around the many meanings of motherhood.

Join the conference “Thinking Through Motherhood: Images, Experiences and Narratives Across Time” on 23-25 January, 2024 in Vilnius, Lithuania!

More information >

2022/2023 Spring Semester Exam Retakes

2022/2023 spring semester exam retakes will be held from the 4th until the 18th of September.

Retake dates for BA students >

Retake dates for MA students >

GUS Культура смеха retake is on September 8, 3 p.m. room A6

GUS Вильнюс на перекрестке культур (19 - I половина 20 вв.) retake is on September 14 1 p.m. via MS Teams


The dates are constantly updated as soon as the professors announce them.

If you cannot find the date for the needed subject, please contact the professor and follow the information on Faculty's website.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 

Integration Day at the Faculty

We kindly invite all first year BA students to attend our Faculty’s integration day.



Welcome to the Faculty of Philology! Representatives from the Study Department will give a presentation on what is important to know about your studies and how the study process works (registration for courses, exam session, exam retakes, academic leave, scholarships...). Location: Room SP1. The presentation will be held in English (the Lithuanian presentation is held at 10:00).


Meeting with VU SR FPhil. Room 115 A.


A tour of the faculty and its' courtyards. After the meeting with VU SR FPhil follow the coordinators to the fountain.


Break the ice with FIDI. Our long time friends from the Faculty of Physics will serve freshly made ice cream. 

Renovatio studiorum Facultatis Philologiae

We invite all members of the community of the Faculty of Philology to welcome the new study year together!


9:30 RENOVATIO STUDIORUM. Ceremony of raising the flag of Vilnius University. Location: VU Library Courtyard.

10:00 - 11:00 Ceremony of Immatriculation for first-year students. The Dean of the Faculty of Philology will announce the name of each newly enrolled student, according to the long-standing tradition of the University. Location: Church of St. Johns.

11:00 - 12:00 Meet-ups with the VU SR FPhil mentors for first-year students. Location: Courtyards of Faculty of Philology (Universiteto g. 5).

12:00 - 13:00 Meetings with the Study Programme Committees. Get to know your lecturers and the specifics of your study programme:

English Philology – Room 92 (Z. Zinkevičiaus) 

English and Other Foreign Language (German) – Room 115A

Spanish Philology – Room 109

German Philology – Room A9

Polish Philology – Room 119

13:00 – 14:00 Meetings with the Study Programme Committees. Get to know your lecturers and the specifics of your study programme. 

English Studies (Linguistics / Literature, Linguistics, Culture / Media Discourse) – Room 92 (Z. Zinkevičiaus) 

15:00 – 15:30 Traditional Parade of Vilnius University. The community of Vilnius University will march festively from Seimas Palace (Parliament) to the Grand Courtyard of Vilnius University.

15:30 - 16:30 RENOVATIO STUDIORUM: Opening ceremony of the academic year. The event will be held in the Grand Courtyard of Vilnius University, Universiteto g. 3.


Alumna Story in Her Own Words: English Studies Propelled My Growth as a Confident and Proficient Teacher


Zehra Yilmaz, an English teacher from Turkey, made the decision to embark on a journey toward a Master's degree in English Studies at the Faculty of Philology, Vilnius University. Throughout her academic pursuit, she embraced the opportunity to immerse herself in a multicultural academic environment, which not only broadened her understanding of language, literature, and culture but also ignited a multitude of new ideas for her teaching career. Reflecting on her transformative experience, Zehra Yilmaz confidently asserts that her studies in English have significantly elevated her teaching abilities, positioning her as an outstanding and impactful educator.


What role do you think English studies play in today's globalized world? How has your education at Vilnius University prepared you to navigate the challenges and opportunities in the field of English education? Where did you hear about Vilnius University and how did you decide to move to study abroad?

English Studies has a significant place in the world of globalization as English has become the language of international communication, particularly in business, and academia. Specializing in English Studies allows for a variety of choices, including global career prospects, academic collaborations, and cultural exchanges. The university fostered critical thinking and research skills, which are essential in navigating the challenges and opportunities in the field of English education. I have expanded my knowledge and research skills by writing more research papers and developing research proposals on subjects. Within the Individual Study Plan framework, I also found the opportunity to choose elective subjects outside the field of study. So, I had the chance to take a comprehensive course like “Language and Education”, which is directly related to the field of my bachelor's degree. 
I first learned about Vilnius University through online research while seeking study-abroad options. Vilnius University popped up in the top English studies rankings, and its academic excellence reputation drew my attention. Then, I discovered that Vilnius University had a rich history, a supportive academic community, and a vibrant cultural scene.


Can you tell us about your background and what motivated you to pursue a Master's degree in English studies at Vilnius University?

I hold a Bachelor's degree in English Language Teaching from Istanbul University, which gave me a solid foundation in language acquisition theories, teaching methodologies, and practical classroom experience. During my Erasmus Program experience at Cologne University, I was exposed to a multicultural environment that deepened my passion for English education and intercultural exchange. Motivated by these experiences, I decided to pursue a Master's degree in English studies at Vilnius University.


How would you describe your overall experience studying English at Vilnius University? Did it meet your expectations? Why or why not?

When I reflect on my time at Vilnius University, I can confidently say that it has helped me become a better teacher in many ways. Through the linguistics seminars, I was challenged to explore areas I had not considered in detail before, and the literature and culture seminars provided me with new perspectives, enabling me to take a closer and more critical look at literary texts and cultural phenomena. In my role as a teacher, I have been able to revise my teaching practice using these new values and develop a greater sense of confidence. In particular, I have been able to create more critical assessments and formulate new discussion topics for my students, providing them with fresh and interesting ideas to engage with. I believe that these are the ripples of studying at Vilnius University, and I am grateful for the knowledge and skills that I gained during my time there.


Could you share an example of a research project or thesis you worked on during your Master's program? How did it contribute to your understanding of English studies?

Certainly! One research project I worked on during my Master's program in English studies focused on the field of British Cultural Studies. Specifically, I examined the challenges of translating poetry by diaspora poets who had experienced migration, refuge, or similar life experiences. The project aimed to explore how the unique cultural and linguistic elements embodied in their poems could be effectively conveyed in another language. By delving into this topic, I believe that I gained a deeper understanding of diaspora identities and the experiences of migrants. One other experience was the pleasant communication I had with my academic supervisor while working on my master's thesis, which greatly helped me resolve the issues I encountered regarding my thesis.


As an alumna of Vilnius University, how has your English studies degree contributed to your career progression as a teacher? Are there any specific skills or knowledge areas you acquired that have been particularly valuable?

First and foremost, the depth of knowledge I acquired during my studies, particularly in the field of linguistics, has been instrumental in my role as a language teacher. It has given me a solid foundation in understanding linguistic concepts. This knowledge allows me to effectively analyze and explain language structures to my students, helping them develop a strong grasp of the English language. Certainly, teaching a language is not solely about those fields I mentioned. Learning and teaching a language also requires understanding the culture it embodies. It also entails examining the literature. Therefore, the comprehensive structure of English Studies, encompassing linguistics, literature, and culture, has positively contributed to my profession as well.


If you were to give advice to prospective students considering pursuing English studies at Vilnius University, what would it be? Are there any specific aspects of the program or university experience you would highlight?

As an international student, it's crucial to feel a sense of belonging and not be alone while studying abroad. Vilnius University is a place where you will encounter friendly faces, and make you feel welcome.

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