Adresas: Universiteto 5, LT-01122 Vilnius, Skandinavistikos centras
Telefonas: +370 5 268 7235
Budėjimo laikas katedroje: tartis el. paštu
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6956-686
Mokslinių tyrimų sritys
- Kalbos ideologijos
- Nacionalizmo teorija
- Sociolingvistika
- Diskurso teorija
Dėstomi dalykai
- Šiuolaikinė norvegų kalba, kultūra ir visuomenė
- Tiriamasis projektas studijuojama (norvegų) kalba
- Kalba ir nacionalizmas
- Maxwell, Alexander, Vuk Vukotić & Susie Klaver (spausdinama). Rhetorical Strategies and the Language/Dialect Dichotomy: Linguists Justifying the Classification of Central South Slavic. Comparative Southeast European Studies 73.
- Vukotić, Vuk. (2024). Are languages and dialects inventions of nationalism? On the problem of totalising metalanguage. Nations and Nationalism 30 (4), 565-581.
- Vukotić, Vuk. (2022). О концепцији наречја и дијасистема у српској и хрватској дијалектологији и стандардологији. Slavistica Vilnensis 67 (1), 85-98.
- Vukotić, Vuk. (2022). On the Discursive Construction of Dialectal Varieties: The Case of Central South Slavic ‘Supradialects’. Scando-Slavica 68 (1), 175-191.
- Vukotić, Vuk. (2019). Social engineers and myth-busters: A comparative research on Lithuanian, Norwegian and Serbian language experts. Taikomoji kalbotyra 13, 292-344.
- Vukotić, Vuk. (2019). The power of top-down language planning: a comparative investigation of three European regions. Darbai ir dienos 71, 11-31.
- Vukotić, Vuk. (2017). "The nation-building linguist: On the status and ideologies oflanguage planning institutions inpost-1990s Croatia and Lithuania". Ludmilla A‘Beckett & Theodorus Du Plessis. In pursuit ofsocietal harmony: Reviewing the experiences and approaches in officially monolingual and officially multilingual countries, 169-183. SUN Media: Bloemfontein.
- Vukotić, Vuk. (2016). "A Language Expert Protects True Values and National Interests": A Look into the Construction of Linguistic Expertise in the Metalinguistic Discourses in Lithuania and Serbia. Komunikacija i kulture online 7, 155-182.
- Vukotić, Vuk. (2016) What does “language” mean for its users? Constructing a theoretical model of a notion of language in the public space. Taikomoji kalbotyra 8.
- Vukotić, Vuk. (2014) Conflicting notions of language in metalinguistic discourses in Lithuania, Norway and Serbia. Taikomoji kalbotyra 5.
- Vaicekauskienė, Loreta, Ramune Čičirkaitė, Laima Nevinskaitė and Vuk Vukotić. (2022). Taikomoji kalboryta 18, Specialusis numeris: Lietuvių kalba kaip klaida. Raštingumo samprata ir kalbos taisymai Lietuvos mokyklose 1950–2020. https://doi.org/10.15388/Taikalbot.2022.Spec18
- Vukotic, V. (2010) Putujem u Norvešku [Vaižiuoju į Norvegija]. Belgradas:Marso Publishing (Serbų-norvegų pasikalbėjimų knygelė)
- Vukotić, Vuk. Language serves the people, not the other way around! Ideologies of language in Lithuania, Norway, Serbia and the Baltic, Scandinavian and Ex-Yugoslav regions. A typological perspective on metalinguistic media discourses and language policies. PhD dissertation. Vilnius: Research Institute of the Lithuanian Language, 2019. [PDF]
- ASEN Conference 2024: Nationalism and Memory, 9-11 April 2024, Edinburgh, UK. "Collective Memories as a Tool of Epistemic Nationalism: Insights from Historical Dialectology in Croatia and Serbia"
- Sociolinguistics Symposium 24, 13-16 July 2022, Ghent, Belgium. Presentation topic: "A mix of Herder and Stalin? An ethnographic perspective on linguistic nationalism in post-socialist academia."
- Nationalism and Media Conference 5-7, April 2022, Antwerp, Belgium. "Linguistic nationalism in the virtual sphere and the sociolinguistic critique of nationalism."
- Sociolinguistic Symposium 23, 7-10 June 2021, Hong Kong. "Disinventing the linguist: Epistemological authorities and the BCMS debate.
- International Scientific Conference "Language in Society", conference commemorating the 147th anniversary of the academician Jānis Endzelīns 20-21 February 2020, Riga. "Modernity in the Virtual Sphere: Monolingual Ideologies and the Language Expert / Modernitāte virtuālajā pasaulē: monolingvisma ideoloģija un valodas eksperts"
- V tarptautinė taikomosios kalbotyros konferencija, 26-28 September 2019, Vilnius University, Lithuania. "Language, norm and the speaker in public discourse by internet commentators"
- Lietuvos socialinių tyrimų centro konferencija (pavasario sesija), 10 June 2019, LSTC, Vilnius, Lithuania. Modernistinė kalbos ideologija šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje palyginus su Serbija ir Norvegija"
- International Conference on Sociolinguistics 2, 6-9 September 2018. Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary. “Can we compare language ideologies?”
- AABS Conference, June 1-3, 2018, Stanford, California, USA. "Standard-language-nationalism between Politics and Academia in Lithuania and Serbia"
- Socforumas, 20 May 2017, Molėtai, Lithuania. "Kalbinio autoriteto samprata ir interdiskursyvumas – Lietuvos ir Serbijos atvejai"
- Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, 15-18 June, 2016. Murcia, Spain. "Construction of linguistic expertise among language users: Cases of Lithuania and Serbia"
- International conference on language policy in multicultural and multilingual settings, 8-11 February 8, 2016. Mandalay, Myanmar. "Brave new words: The political functions of purist and monolingual language policies in post-1990 in Croatia and Lithuania"
- GLOBE 2015: East-West forum on discourse, 14-16 May, 2015, Warsaw, Poland. "After purism: Language as a competing product. On the metalinguistic discourse in online discussions about the Lithuanian language"
- Language in Media conference VI, 7-9 September, 2015, Hamburg, Germany. "Folk notions of language: Four unique metaphors of language in metalinguistic online commentaries in Lithuania, Norway and Serbia"
- The Young Linguists' International Conference, 28 June, 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. “National language management from zero to absolute control: Types of language ideologies in language management practices. Case of Croatia, Norway, Serbia and Sweden”
- Sociolinguistics Symposium 20, 15-18 June, 2014, Jyväskylä, Finland. “They cannot speak their mother tongue! Online commentaries about “decreasing” mother tongues competences in Serbia, Sweden and Lithuania”
- Young researcher seminar (Jaunųjų tyrėjų seminaras Užuovėjos), 12- 15 September, 2013, Nida, Lithuania. “Expressing language ideologies in public discourse – methodological approaches”