Prof. A. Desnitskij seminaras „Fundamentalists, minimalists, and post-modernists studying the Bible: what do we know exactly, if anything?"
Maloniai kviečiame balandžio 14 d. 15 val. 92 (Z. Zinkevičiaus) aud. į prof. Andrej Desnitskij seminarą „Fundamentalists, minimalists, and post-modernists studying the Bible: what do we know exactly, if anything?". Prof. A. Desnitskij yra Slavistikos katedros vyriausasis mokslo darbuotojas, jo mokslo interesų sritys: Biblija, vertimo teorija, poetika, intertekstualumas, religija ir visuomenė, krikščionybė. Šį semestrą jis skaito kursą XX-XXI a. rusų poezijos intertekstualumas.
Seminaras vyks anglų kalba, diskusija – įvairiomis kalbomis.
Bible narratives are essential for the (post-)Christian civilization, and not only for it. But they can be read with different eyes. The main question usually is “what has actually happened?” But in most cases, we just do not have a single answer. To mark the best-known approaches, fundamentalists insist on a literal interpretation, minimalists believe that nothing has ever happened unless it is proven archaeologically and postmodernists say it is all in the eyes of a looker. Needless to say, there are many other positions, too. What is each approach's methodological basis and how trustworthy are they, after all? The lecture will give a brief introduction to these issues. We will concentrate mostly on the Old Testament since it presents more obvious cases (such as Exodus, the conquest of Canaan, the formation of Israeli monarchy, etc.) but we can touch briefly on the New Testament as well, depending on the audience’s interest.
About professor A. Desnitsky
- a Russian scholar (Prof. Dr.), translator, writer, and essayist who left the country in March 2022 in disagreement with the regime;
- a leading expert in Bible translation and exegesis for the Russian-speaking audience, known for his ability to teach complicated things in simple words;
- a translation consultant with a large experience in building multi-ethnic teams and working across language and culture barriers;
- an essayist and blogger widely known for his creative style and allegiance to democratic values (“Liberal Mission” award 2018).
- author of 95 scholarly articles (in Russian, English, German, and Italian) and hundreds of essays and columns published in various media (in Russian and Italian).
- Поэтика библейского параллелизма. Москва: ББИ, 2007, 554 стр., ISBN 5-89647-133-5, тираж 1000 экз.
- Введение в библейскую экзегетику. Москва: ПСТГУ, 2011, 413 стр., ISBN 978-5-7429-0660-5, тираж 2000 экз.
- Современный библейский перевод: теория и методология. Москва: ПСТГУ, 2015, 430 стр., ISBN: 978-5-7429-0972-9, тираж 1000 экз.
- Павловы Послания. Комментированное издание (руководитель проекта и научный редактор). Москва: Гранат – Институт перевода Библии, 2017, ISBN 978-5-93943-238-2 и 978-5-90645-628-1. 44 а.л.
- Вожди и цари Израиля. Библейские переводы Андрея Десницкого. Москва: Рипол классик, 2018, ISBN 978-5-386-10413-9. 15,5 а.л.
- Пророки Израиля. Библейские переводы Андрея Десницкого. Москва: Рипол классик, 2018, ISBN 978-5-386-10750-5. 14,3 а.л.
- Послания апостолов. Библейские переводы Андрея Десницкого. Москва: Гранат, 2021, ISBN 978-5-906456-47-2.
- Библия: что было «на самом деле»? Танах / Ветхий Завет. Москва: Альпина нон-фикшн, 2022, ISBN 978-5-00139-489-1.