Adresas: Universiteto 5, LT-01513 Vilnius.
Telefonas: +370 5 268 72 72
Mokslinių tyrimų sritys
- Literatūros teorija
- Daugiakultūris ugdymas
- Tarpkultūrinės studijosKultūros studijos
- Užsienio kalbų mokymas
Dėstomi kursai
- Akademinė ir mokslinė anglų kalba
- Rumunų kalba, literatūra ir kultūra
- Dalykinė anglų kalba
- Medijų lingvistika
- Ivancu, O. (2020). A Symptom of the Crisis of Modernity: The Dying of Inadequacy (p. 80-91). “Educational, Linguistic, and Media Discourses”, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Ivancu, O. (2019). A pedagogical perspective on the definite and the indefinite article in the Romanian language. Challenges for foreign learners. (p. 7-15). “Verbum”, 6. DOI: 10.15388/Verb.6
- Ivancu, O. (2018). A Literary Analysis: Between the Shades of Gray and The Book Thief (p.151 - 165), “Incursiuni în imaginar”, Aeternitas Printing House.
- Ivancu O. (2015). The Romanian Public Discourse on Trans-forming/De-forming/ Re-forming/ (Con) – Forming (to) Europe (p. 45 - 55). “Finninsh Journal for Romanian Studies”, No. 1.
- Ivancu. O. (2014). The Romanian Intellectual in Transition. Repositioning after 1989 (p. 3-13). “Studia Romanica Posnaniensia”, Issue 2, Volume 41
Pranešimai konferencijose
- The Myth. A Brief Survival Guide, Mythology and Folklore, the 5th Edition, international conference, October 27-28, 2018, Bucharest University, Romania.
- Inadequacy: a Symptom of the Crisis of Modernity, Teaching and Learning Languages in the 21st Century: Linguistic, Education and Cultural Aspects, international conference, June 7-8, 2018, Vilnius University, Lithuania.
- Reality, the Set of All Points Equidistant from a Fixed Point Called Fiction. On Archetype, Myth and Fiction, Sustainable Multilingualism, international conference, May 24-25, 2019, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania.
- Erasmus + project (2020 - 2023). “Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs”. Project reference: 2020-1-EL01-KA203-078797