Prasidėjus rudens semestrui, prof. dr. Axel Holvoet siūlo grįžti prie Seminaro pas skandinavus tradicijos.
Pirmojo seminaro tema: Echoic use and the problem of historical imperatives.
Seminaras vyks rugsėjo 17 d., penktadienį, 15.00 val. 314B aud. (įėjimas per laiptinę tarp Sarbievijaus ir Daukanto kiemelius)
Seminaro santrauka:
Many languages (Romance, Slavic, Baltic, Arabic...) have historical imperatives, i.e., imperatives used in a narrative function. In earlier research I have argued that in some languages these arise from mirative imperatives, but this account does not hold for all languages where historical imperatives are attested. In my talk I will discuss echoic use (in the Sense of Sperber & Wilson 1986) as a possible source of historical imperatives.
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