Kviečiame registruotis į tarptautinę konferenciją „Laikas Baltijos regiono kalbose“ / "Time and Tense in Circum-Baltic ", kuri vyks 2018 m. birželio 19–20 d. Vilniaus universitete. Pranešimų tezių įteikimo terminas: 2018 m. balandžio 15 d.
visi laipni aicināti / visus maloniai kviečiame / everyone is welcome!
Date 19–20 June, 2018 Location Vilnius University, Lithuania
Description: This conference focuses on the conceptualization of time in grammatical and lexical expressions in the Circum-Baltic languages. We expect talks on the following topics: Tense systems and their interaction with aspect, mood, evidentiality and negation; Expression of simultaneity, anteriority and posteriority (by participles, converbs/gerunds, etc.); Sequencing of events in narration; Adverbs, adpositions and cases marking temporal relations; Adverbs and nouns denoting time spans (expressions like ‘yesterday’, ‘last year’, the names of weekdays and months, etc.); Another dimension of the meeting is relative chronology of the languages of the Circum-Baltic area and we welcome talks dealing with the chronological aspects of language change, borrowing, language splits, etc.
This conference belongs to a series of meetings “Baltic Languages and White Nights” initiated by the State University of Saint Petersburg in 2008 and later organized annually and biannually around the Baltics before the Midsummer. Previous meetings took place in Oslo (2009), Stockholm (2010), Helsinki (2012), Tartu (2014), and Riga (2016).
Major language families and branches: Indo-European (Baltic; Germanic; Slavic); Uralic (Finnic).
Invited speakers: Tuomas Huumo (Turku University) Bernhard Wälchli (Stockholm University).
Important dates:
- 15 April, 2018: Deadline for submission of the abstracts;
- 1 May, 2018: Notification of acceptance;
- 19–20 June, 2018: Conference.
Abstracts: Anonymous abstracts should not exceed 500 words (excluding references) and should be sent in a PDF format to by 15 April, 2018; Please do not include any author information in your abstract, but do provide the following information in the body of your message: (a) title of paper, (b) author's name(s) and affiliation(s); The abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and the notification will be given on 1 May, 2018.
Presentations: 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for the discussion. Conference fee 50 € (provisional), covers conference materials, coffee breaks and conference dinner.
Scientific committee: Andra Kalnača (University of Latvia) Liina Lindström (Tartu University) Nicole Nau (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) Jurgis Pakerys (Vilnius University) Aleksej Andronov (Saint Petersburg State University).
Local organizing committee: Jurgis Pakerys (chair) Agnė Navickaitė-Klišauskienė Eglė Žilinskaitė-Šinkūnienė.
Website https://sites.google.com/site/timeandtenseincb/